Here is a story I am working in collaboration with an artist (probably Dickson Arts) to make an OEM (Original English Manga). It will be more or less structured like a manga. Enjoy the first chapter.

Chapter 1– Arrival.


   I awoke naked in a field of grass; it was dark and raining. The last thing I remembered was dying.

   My eye adjusting, an older lady was gesturing for me to come forward, which I did; she wrapped me in something that repelled the water. Guided to a small structure, I was given unfamiliar clothes and understood I was to put them on. I did not remember how, for some reason. But with gentle prodding and help from the older woman, who was kind, I eventually understood what was needed.

   As I put the clothes on, I discovered that I no longer had my dick and balls. I screamed with an unfamiliar voice, felt an immense pressure in my chest, then passed out.

   For the second time, I awoke on a thin mattress in a darkened room. Thinking about how you can always tell when you are laying on a cheap mattress, I naturally assumed that I was in a prison of some sort.
    Taking stock, I had two arms and two legs; two hands, two feet, left one mangled a bit. One nose. Apparently one eye, the right one with a patch of some kind, for all the good it did for me in this darkness.  The foot was a misfortune from hunting, the eye was from a similar accident. Both happened when I was young.

   I noticed some light coming through what I assumed was a grate; but it was covered in cloth, which I ripped off and exposed some sort of clear substance that looked upon a field of some kind, grass I thought, and a moon illuminated it. Suddenly, a very bright light came on, and the older lady from before walked in, carrying a blanket and a pillow. I saw she had dark hair tied neatly into a bun and was attractive.

“You must be cold, dear girl, I have brough extra blankets and pillows…”
    It was then I remembered my discovery from the night before. Hesitantly, uncertainly, I reached between my legs and found that Mr. Longshanks and his two friends…well, they were not there. I lost consciousness a second time, again feeling my chest exploding.

   Waking up was difficult.  Usually, I am up before dawn to get in my exercising, hammer practice, sparring with the junior shieldbreakers, then meetings with the other leaders. Next were the scouting missions or training new breakers. For the evening it was the drinking and the women. Bed, sleep, repeat daily. I lived a very structured life.
    Reaching under the bed and feeling around, I could not find a chamber pot. I needed to pee. Stupid servants didn’t even get that right. So, I just let loose in the bed, will serve them right for not providing one of the simple necessities.  It was then I remembered a couple of things; I was still wearing my pants from last night, and I had no dick.

   Fighting off passing out again, I thought, ‘What in Delisys is wrong with this body?’ I got out of bed, peeled off my clothes, and not finding anything to clean myself up with except the blankets, I dried myself off with them as best I could. Now I would try and locate the way out of this tiny room.

Scanning the room, it looked like a strange version of a normal bedroom like one would find at any inn. Bed, small table next to the bed, dresser, what seemed to be a wardrobe with a sliding door that had various strange clothes hanging in it, and to the right of what appeared to be a dresser, was what looked like a door. I could see no latch or handle on it, though, just a strange round thing protruding from it. No matter how much I pushed or pulled on the door, it would not budge.

It was then I realized I was prisoner here.

  I began to search through all available drawers, under the bed, everywhere to see if I could find something to fight off the jailors with. I dug through the dresser, throwing all this strange silky frilly stuff around the room, went to the closet, and found out that it utilized two sliding doors. The one behind the outermost door had a mirror on it. I closed it and took stock of myself.
    As I shut the door, I saw that I was most definitely a girl in the mirror. Not very tall, maybe a rod and a half [Note: A rod is about a meter.] whereas I was at least 2 and a half rods in Delisys. I was slim to the point of looking malnourished. Longish dark brown hair. Small boobs. Barely noticeable hips. I looked like a damn elf, I thought to myself.

   It being the only thing that could really be considered a weapon, I took the rod down; it would do as a makeshift staff. Crouching down behind the dresser with the door in sight, I prepared for a long wait.

   Quite some time later, I heard the door opening, I lunged forward, staff to my front, and immediately fell onto my face. My legs had gone numb from crouching. Trying to pick up the staff I found my fingers and arms were also useless from gripping the pole so tightly.

   My jailor did not appear to be the older lady from the other night. She was approximately my age, dressed in all black, and emitting peals of laughter. She did something to a switch by the door and the room became flooded with light. Still laughing, she re-hung the curtain I had torn down the night before and opened it to admit some light.
  As my body was slowly recovering, I sat up and took stock of her. About my height, about my age, about the same build as me, dressed in a frilly black dress with dark red trim. Pale complexion, exceptionally light blonde hair; almost white. I assumed the worst – I was being held prisoner by vampires.
    “So, uhm, Mickey, why didn’t you use the restroom? It smells in here! She said, wrinkling her nose. “It’s the next door down the hall.”
  “Look, I have no quarrel with the Vampires, so if you could please explain why you have taken me prisoner, I am sure-“
    She held up her hand, and her jaw dropped. She then snorted and began to laugh. Then she lost her breath, and doubled over, still laughing. “Oh…Mickey. It seems the transfer operation isn’t complete yet.” Still laughing, she continued; “You are no longer on Delisys, but on a planet the people living here call ‘Earth’”
    Turning these new facts over in my mind, I replied “Then why am I being held prisoner? Why can’t I open this door?”
  This brought about a new burst of laughter. She brushed some stray hair off her face, disturbing the delicate hat she wore. “Didn’t you notice this round thing on the door? It’s called a ‘doorknob’ and you twist it like this.” She then demonstrated this task. “You could have gotten out any time you wanted.”
  Feeling foolish, I felt my anger rising. “So why am I here? What’s going on? I don’t understand! Who ARE you, anyways?!”
  She sighed and looked down at her feet. “You know, getting angry about a gift from Lady Maat will get you nowhere. During the resurrection you should have been given some basic knowledge about this new world. At least the language seems to have taken.”

   I felt myself getting even angrier. “I freaking hate being in the dark! Tell me what I need to know, or I will beat you into a puddle!” I then raised my fist and lunged at her, fully intending to get the information by force.
    Her eyes flashed, and she backhanded me so hard I flew across the small room, luckily landing on the bed. “You are NO LONGER Mik Blacksmith, you puny human! The sooner you realize that the better! I am one of the Three seraphim who assist her, The Maiden. You met The Mother last night; you will meet The Grandmother eventually. Call me Mona for convenience.”
    Stunned, I lay there on the bed, eyeing her. Utterly humiliated, weak, powerless…I had not felt this way since I was a small boy. I found myself beginning to cry, something I didn’t even do even as a baby, according to my mother. Every part of my body was tender and sore. My old hunting wounds ached the worst.
    Mona’s face softened, and I think I saw a glimpse of…pity in them. I felt my anger rising again, and my frustration, and ineffective rage, and collapsed completely. Utterly defeated, all it seemed I could do was cry. I held my face in my hands, sobbing.

Mona walked to the bed carefully. “I’m sorry about that, I really am.” She grasped my face in her delicate hands. “I will check with the others and Lady Maat about what could have gone wrong. I understand you feel weak and vulnerable, small and powerless, confused and angry. This should pass in a few Earth days.”
    Looking at her blurry figure through my tears, I asked “Why am I a girl? Why am I weak? I was one of the Three Heroes on Delisys. I was strong, powerful….” Then I broke down into more sobbing.
    Mona went to the closet and grabbed a robe. She gently stood me up and wrapped the robe around me. “Come, Mickey. Let’s talk about this over some food, I may need to reheat it, though. It is probably cold.”
    Everything was blurry and confusing. It felt like a dream.
    Then I twisted the knob and left my prison.